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Guns - A Dystopian Advantage or Liability?

Guns have been used as a source of protection and combat in dystopian environments and the real world. People in the real world may use them for hunting or target practice, but rarely do you see that being done in dystopias. As seen in "The Hunger Games" and "Ready Player One," guns and other weapons have been necessary for survival for Katniss, Wade, and many other characters. Violence is often present in dystopias and guns make handling that much more simple and effective through its ability to injure or kill someone with one shot. Not only are they efficient, gun fights are also a huge source of entertainment. People are amused by seeing people risk their lives by shooting at each other until one person remains. Guns in dystopias have created a new sense of violence and entertainment for viewers to watch and enjoy.

Guns have the ability to strike fear into people who are on the wrong end of the barrel. Without a human or a living thing pulling the trigger, a gun is considered harmless. It cannot attack or defend for itself. In dystopias, guns are commonly used when a person is looking to kill someone else or when someone is looking to protect themselves. The antagonist or "villain" of the story is typically looking to inflict pain on another character while the protagonist or "hero" of the story is only looking to use it when necessary. Seen in the picture above, a peacekeeper is pointing a gun at a man's head in front of the entire district to see. He put up the mockingjay symbol as a sign of rebellion against the capitol and the peacekeepers wanted to react in a way that would inflict fear to anyone else who wanted to go against the capitol. The peacekeepers used a gun to shoot this man to try to show their dominance and control over the districts.

Another example of a gun being used in a dystopian environment can be seen in the picture above from Wade in the movie "Ready Player One." In the book, on page 300, Wade purchases a "Glock 47C pistol, along with three clips of ammo." In this scenario, Wade is using his gun for a sense of comfort, stating that even though he had never held a gun before in his life, he "still felt better having it on" him (301). Without even shooting the gun, it can provide protection and comfort to a person holding it. Wade may have not ever wanted to shoot the weapon, but having it on him made him feel better. As for Katniss, that is a whole different story...

The inclusion of guns in dystopian environments have allowed characters to kill or injure another character with the click of a button. By owning and handling a gun, people have the ability to protect themselves from others or choose to take another person's life away. Whether its fear or comfort, guns can affect how a person feels in different situations. Guns have played a huge role in dystopian culture by adding a spark of disorder and destructiveness to the lives of people within dystopian worlds.

Works Cited

“31.” Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline, Broadway Books, 2018, pp. 300–301.

Spielberg, Steven, director. Ready Player One. Warner Home Video, 2018.

Collins, Suzanne, director. The Hunger Games. Roadshow, 2012.

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